It is not easy to achieve the goals of weight loss and muscle development. However, if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you can achieve these two goals at once! Eating a lot of protein and healthy carbohydrates replenishes enough energy to exercise, and adding HIGH-intensity interval training (HIIT) can most effectively break down fat.
1. Calculate the ideal daily calorie intake. Calorie consumption must be calculated to lose weight. You should consume more calories than you consume to lose weight. Use an online calculator to find out how much calories you have to burn per day. Since everyone's calorie consumption is different, it is more efficient to calculate the calorie consumption according to your situation than to follow general guidelines.
If you have found the estimated calorie guideline, subtract 300 from it. For example, if you have 1,800 calories a day, try losing weight by subtracting 300 from here.
2. Eat natural foods so that you can get a lot of nutrients. Eat natural food that can deliver the energy the body needs. Natural food provides very good fuel for our bodies. Natural foods contain less fat and sugar than processed foods, which helps lose weight.
3. Increase protein intake so that you can build muscles and feel full. Reducing calorie intake may require increasing protein intake for muscle development. Let's aim to consume 1.9 lb of protein per 2.2 lb of weight.
4. Aiming to lose 2.2lb per week. Losing weight too fast can also reduce muscles, so lose weight slowly and stably and healthily. Ideally, you should aim to lose 2.2 lb a week.
5. Do muscle training three times a week for 45 minutes to develop muscles. Starting muscle training is the best way to build muscles. You can use a dumbbell or a machine, or you can mix the two. Let's plan to exercise three times a week for 45 minutes.
Rather than doing three days of exercise at once, it is better to skip between them.
6. Do leg exercises. Since the legs are the main muscle muscles, it is recommended to do leg exercises together every time you train. If you work out at a fitness center, learn how to use a specific machine with the help of a trainer.
7. Do both push and pull exercises for a complete exercise effect. To maximize the effectiveness of the exercise, push and pull the weight so that you can exercise your muscles at all angles. Let's do bench press, overhead press, and tricep dip exercises as push exercises. There are pull-ups, low and pull-ups.
8. Develop your abs through core exercise. You have to do core exercises to show off your great abs. Core exercise helps balance overall muscle strength and stability.
Let's add plank exercise. Hold your posture for 30 seconds when you do planks at once. Then gradually increase the time to two minutes. Maintaining a plank position by supporting only one arm can stimulate radiant muscles.
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