There is no fasting that removes toxins in the body more reliably than bottled water fasting. In addition, this fasting method does not cost anything else, helps lose weight, helps focus on inner spiritual life, and releases toxins from the body. Short-term calorie restrictions extend life expectancy and lead a healthier life when done properly. However, risks always follow. Therefore, you should safely set goals and try them under the supervision of experts who have experience in bottled water fasting. And you should also know when to stop fasting and how to return to your original diet.
1. Do not fast if you have a specific disease.
Some diseases can be exacerbated by fasting and can lead to serious consequences. If you are suffering from the disease below, do not try fasting unless you are instructed by a doctor.
Dietary disorders such as loss of appetite or hyperplasia of appetite.
Low blood sugar or diabetes.
Enzyme deficiency.
End-stage kidney or liver disease.
2. Determining the period for fasting.
Let's try the day first. And if you're fasting alone, set the maximum to 3 days. Some studies have shown that fasting for a short period of two days is good for your health.If you want to fast for a longer period of time than that, you need to proceed under the supervision of a doctor. Consider trying fasting with the help of a doctor.
It is said that fasting for a short period of time is safer and healthier when repeated periodically. It is generally not recommended to do it for more than three days at a time, and when fasting bottled water, do it up to one day a week.
3. Fastening when stress is low. When you are not very stressed, you have to fast bottled water so that fasting does not interfere with your daily habits. If possible, avoid fasting while working. And try fasting only when you have time physically and mentally.
4. Getting ready mentally.
The fact that fasting for several days can itself bother the mind. Be fully aware of reliable sources of bottled water fasting and seek help from doctors and others who have already tried fasting. Let's recognize fasting as an adventure.
5. Moving on to fasting.
Instead of starting fasting at once, let's slowly move on to fasting. First, stop sugar, processed foods, and caffeine two to three days in advance. And let's make up most of our daily diet with fruits and vegetables.Also, let's slowly reduce the size of the meal from a few weeks before fasting. Only then can the body be less burdened when it actually tries bottled water fasting. And you may consider fasting intermittently. You can also try systematically by planning a month's plan first to fasting bottled water:
First week: Don't eat breakfast.
Second week: I don't eat breakfast and lunch.
Third week: Reduce the amount of dinner without breakfast and lunch.
Fourth week: Water fasting begins.
6. Overcoming hunger. When your hunger gets worse, try drinking a cup or two of water. And if you lie down and take a rest, you will feel hungry. Or you can turn your attention by reading a book or meditating.
7. Stop fasting slowly and gradually. Drink lemon or orange juice at first to stop fasting bottled water.Then let's gradually add food to the diet. You can eat a small amount of food every 2 hours. At first, eat something that can be easily digested and eat foods that are difficult to digest gradually. Depending on the period of fasting, the time to stop fasting can be extended from one day to a few days.
Fruit juice.
Vegetable juice.
Fresh fruits and green leaf vegetables.
Vegetable soup and cooked vegetables.
Cooked grains and beans.
Milk, dairy, eggs.
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