The reason for looking for protein-rich foods is probably because they play a very important role in the body. Proteins are nutrients that the body needs to grow, repair, and function properly. Proteins are found in a variety of foods, and it is important to get enough protein from your diet every day. Studies have shown that protein intake can help reduce weight and abdominal fat while increasing muscle mass and muscle strength. A diet high in protein can also help lower blood pressure and fight diabetes. 1.Eggs Eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods. It is a great source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fat, antioxidants that protect your eyes and brain nutrients you need. It has a high protein content. Especially, egg whites are almost pure protein. Protein content: 33% of the total calories of eggs. One large egg contains 6 grams of protein and 78 calories. 2. Almonds Almonds are popular nuts. It is rich in essential nutrients such as fiber, vitamin E, manganes...
Iron is a mineral that performs many important functions, and its main function is to carry oxygen throughout the body as part of red blood cells. It is an essential nutrient and must be taken from food. The recommended daily dose is 18 mg. Interestingly, the amount of iron the body absorbs depends in part on the amount stored. If your intake is too small to replace the daily loss, deficiency may occur. Iron deficiency can cause anemia and symptoms such as fatigue. Menstrual women who do not consume iron-rich foods are at particularly high risk of deficiency. Fortunately, there are many good foods that help you meet the iron requirements you need every day. Here are 9 healthy foods rich in iron. 1. First shellfish Shellfish are delicious and nutritious. All shellfish contain a lot of iron, but shellfish, oysters and mussels are especially good sources. For example, 100g of shellfish can contain up to 3mg of iron. However, the iron content of shellfish varies greatly, and some type...